The Young are the Future
Why do companies still, in the year of 2019, set young supertalents on 5 dogyears far away from their full potential? The young generations are the future and they have new perspectives and unspoiled vision. I strongly believe that every company needs 1 position on every board for a supertalent under the age of 25!

Fear-driven companies give their young employees mundane positions where their skills, knowledge and enthusiasm are not put to use. Successful modern companies place young employees on high positions, and they give them responsibilities and inspiring goals. The mix of experience, youth, gender and competences create the best and most successful companies because everything is respected.
In my world, young supertalents should immediately have more influence in companies to create a good healthy sound future simply because they are the future. They are born into the way the world looks and functions like today, a world with completely new demands on knowledge. We who are not born into this world lack significant chunks of knowledge that is simply intuitive to younger generations, and we can never acquire this as second nature.
The young generations see signals early, they sense the new.
Let’s not take the courage away from the young by forcing them down dog years. We have so much to learn from them and they have so much to contribute.
And to young professionals: please take your space, have integrity and demand more. Know that you are inexperienced, but honor that you by definition are more light since you are not burdened and disheartened by bad experiences.
I love experienced people. Young and old.
About the Author: Marie Vila – Business Consultant & Advisor
Marie has an extensive experience within international business development with over 25 years in Director and Board positions in a variety of listed, large, small companies as well as public sector organisations. Marie works as a consultant specialising on business development, as well as being an entrepreneur building companies in Sweden and Albania.

+46 76 868 68 37 (Sweden)
+355 699 848 488 (Albania)